I Give Frontera My Highest Endorsement!
Date: August 10, 2012
Author: Mike Smith
Posted In:
“When I started my own company and needed to surround myself with the best – I selected John and Frontera Marketing to assist in my marketing efforts. In all of my interactions with them, I have been impressed with their strategic thinking skills and big picture perspective, their success and professional experience, and their honesty and ethical behavior.”
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Mike is the Electronic Media Director and Site Administrator for Frontera Marketing Group. Since building his first website in 1996 using animated GIFs of flaming skulls on GeoCities, he's graduated to advanced HTML5/CSS3 techniques and is well versed in front-end design and back-end development with PHP/MySQL. When not building websites, Mike likes spending time with his family, playing video games, writing articles about technology, photography, and building custom computers.