Is a Website or Facebook Page Better for Business?

Facebook for Quad City Businesses

With approximately 250 million US consumers on the internet, it’s an absolute requirement for a business to have an online presence. Amidst this growth, some companies make the decision to forego a dedicated website in favor of a Facebook Page. While having any online presence is better than not having one, relying on Facebook to […]

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A Quick Reference Guide for On-Site SEO

Quad City On-Site Website SEO

Good On-Site SEO is Still Important Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, has been around for quite a while and the tactics continue to evolve for both On-Site and Off-Site SEO. A lot of the basics of On-Site SEO, though, have remained relatively unchanged and continue to be very important if you want to garner your […]

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10 Ways to Tell You Probably Need a New Website

Quad Cities Website Design

If you’ve been thinking about whether or not it’s time to invest in a new website for your business then you probably already know the answer is yes. If you’re still not sure, though, here are ten easy ways to tell that you probably need a new website. 10 Things That Say a New Website is Needed […]

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List Of All Countries In The World In Alphabetical Order In PHP Array Format

I was working on a project recently that involved me creating a drop-down list of all the countries in the world. Since we use PHP, this needed to be put into an array that I then could loop through and assign to option values in a select form element. Whilst doing serious internet research (aka […]

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Measuring the Effectiveness of Online Advertising Campaigns

Complex Doesn’t Mean Effective As online advertising continues to gobble up increasingly larger percentages of advertising budgets, measuring return on your digital campaign investment becomes increasingly important. While it can be difficult to find accurate financial measurements that directly correlate to your campaigns, this should not discourage you from either investing in online ads or […]

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9 Things to Avoid in Your Website Design

Website Design Best Practices

Life’s Too Short for Bad Web Design Most of us spend hours each day online and this number continues to grow. This can mean visits to literally hundreds of websites per week. Unfortunately, this also means each of us is probably visiting a lot of really bad websites. We don’t mean they’re evil or dedicated […]

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StalkMySite – FREE Website Uptime Script

I came across this article from Lifehacker about how to use Google Docs and Javascript to monitor if your websites are currently up.  The article links to Amit Agarwal’s post on how to set up his free website uptime script using this Google Doc spreadsheet to handle the ever-so-tedious task of making sure that your […]

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Top 5 Tips for Using WordPress

WordPress Website Design Agency

According to, there are currently more than 72 million WordPress sites in the world. This includes both hosted sites and self-hosted sites. Obviously that’s a lot of websites and you probably surf a few of them each day. The beauty of WordPress is that it’s very simple to use, customize and edit and […]

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Using Google Places for Local SEO

Quad Cities and Google Local Website SEO

If you’re a local business, the importance of local search referrals should not be underestimated. As potential customers try to find you they are increasingly turning to online search methods as opposed to the traditional offline options such as Yellow Pages. When it comes to online search, local or otherwise, Google is the one resource […]

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Branding Your Blog for Success

This article is a guest post from our friends at My Social Agency, a UK Digital Marketing Agency. Branding Makes a Difference Blogs are becoming increasingly commonplace and a necessity for lots of types of industry, which means that many of us find our blogs look run of the mill. However, by adding a number […]

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